If you are a Single Lady that is Successful In your Career but Struggling in Love, then this is for you!



Are you ready To heal your Love Patterns, Kiss Goodbye to Ghosts, Dusties, Brokies & Players so you can Finally Attract An Emotionally Healthy Partner?

Get in NOW before it's gone!!

Are you tired of

Dating men that start off hot and eventually turn cold?

Are you always afraid that your man will leave you for another woman?

Are you needy, clingy, and always needing constant reassurance in your relationship?

Are you attracted to emotionally unavailable men who eventually ghost you?

In your love relationships, do you ever feel the need to be in charge or get your way every time?

Do you secretly desire that your man would simply carry out your requests in the specific manner you want?

... and when he doesn't do exactly what you want, do you feel like he is insensitive?

Do you frequently overthink your relationships and your man's actions and worry about what to text him?

Do you feel stuck in your mind most of the time?

You may be too logical, or you may try to deny how you truly feel, which makes you feel cut off from men.

Do you also find yourself rushing from one activity to another throughout the day without taking time to pause? If you nodded yes to any of the above question, it shows you have MORE Masculine Energy than feminine energy

Masculine energy is crucial to us women when it comes to taking action, building our careers, and raising our children.

However, when this energy shows up in our love lives, it completely works against us and turns men off!

If this is you, just know that you can finally attract lasting love that is sweet like sugar.

It's time to go from being anxious and struggling in love to stepping into your feminine power so you can attract deeper intimacy and even more money into your life.

Using your superpower called FEMININE ENERGY which is already present within you, you have become disconnected from it like most women.The Secret to you Creating deep love and attracting more money in your life lies in you being in your feminine energy

Within you, there exist both Masculine and Feminine Energy, and the mixture of both energies are truly remarkable.Masculine Energy is characterized by your state of DOING, organization, planning, giving, and analytical thinking. Chances are, you already excel in these aspects, just as I do.

On the other hand, Feminine Energy represents your state of BEING, allowing you to slow down, receive, feel, and connect with your authentic self. Reconnecting with your Feminine Energy is the key to becoming an enchanting, captivating, and magnetic woman, attracting high-quality men into your life. It is also the key to opening up and receiving greater abundance in business.

As you embark on the transformative journey of the cherished and committed, you will discover that Feminine Energy goes far deeper than simply “looking girly” Contrary to misconceptions, Feminine Energy is not synonymous with weakness or being a doormat, as some of us may have been conditioned to believe.

Instead, it embodies true inner strength, healthy boundaries, and the capacity to surrender, a powerful combination that is irresistible to confident, empowered men.

Are you ready to embrace the true essence of a partnership, shedding that hyper-independent armor to let a man step in as your leader, provider, and protector? 

This journey leads to unveiling your safest, most enchanting, and most rooted self. It's the kind of connection where you flourish in your independence while your life partner eagerly seizes the opportunity to be an integral and passionate part of your life.

You're in safe hands, and that's precisely why I've crafted this all-encompassing program. Guided by a Transformation Coach, it's designed to equip you with indispensable tools, unwavering support, a vibrant community, and profound insights that guarantee tangible results, healing, and the profound transformation of your love life.

Fed up with constantly attracting those "non-committed men," “almost there guys?” You know the type—the ones who promise to be great someday, but right now, they're a bit aimless, and you're simply tired of waiting around for them to change.

You've ventured into the world of dating apps and explored other lighthearted avenues, but it feels like you're stuck in a perpetual loop, encountering guys who haven't quite evolved into the strong, dependable men ready to take the lead, provide for you, and offer protection.

It almost feels like it's the same type of men you’re attracting but just different faces and names.

On embarking this journey of becoming a Captivating Woman, you will discover your true feminine essence, shatter those confining love patterns, and unlock the profound understanding of the male mind (super important!) so you can summon the kind of love that leaves you never wanting to wake up from this dream.

In a mere 3 months, we'll be taking you far beyond the realm of mere "attracting the one." We're plunging you into a beautiful journey that will break the shackles of those repetitive love patterns trapping you in unsatisfying relationship loops. It's a journey to bring back your fun and spontaneity, arming you to create your enduring, deeply satisfying love life in this complex dating landscape. This is your opportunity to craft a love story of your own with confidence.

You must embark on a journey of healing within your very own body, to truly transform your relationship.

While your cognitive faculties have served you well, the undeniable reality is that true transformation hinges on body-level healing. Our bodies bear the marks of emotions, past traumas, experiences, and emotions that wield tremendous influence over our relationships. It's time to delve into this essential aspect of your personal evolution.

This is precisely why all those affirmations, cognitive therapies, and watching free relationship videos online have fallen short of leading you to the relationship you know you deserve.

When you neglect to confront and heal the imprints etched within your body, they can materialize as recurrent behavior patterns, emotional triggers, and formidable barricades to long-lasting intimacy.

Yet, as we mend from within, we become more present, grounded, and in tune with ourselves and our partners. We master the art of crafting healthier boundaries, tapping into that irresistible feminine energy that leaves him yearning for more.

We navigate conflicts with effortless girlish grace and build a sanctuary of emotional intimacy and vulnerability, where we create an atmosphere of safety and nurturing.

Modern dating: A new world where the quality of relationships have downgraded to just swiping to the next and healthy relationships feel like chasing thin air

This program crafts a transformative journey that touches the mind, nurtures the body, and ignites the soul, allowing you to reshape your love story and magnetize high-value, emotionally available partners.

You'll receive training videos you can go through at your own pace. You'll also be part of our exclusive community of sisters embarking on a similar journey to becoming a Captivating Women.

Get ready for a thrilling feature: live Q&A coaching calls that will take place 3 times a month. These sessions are your chance to dive deep into the training videos, evaluate your dating experiences, polish your profiles, and receive personalized guidance directly from Sarah herself. 

It's the compass guiding you through your dating journey, ensuring you're always on the right track.

 This program isn't about how to “change your man”, “get back your ex” or “texts to make him crazy over you."

This is How To Become Soft & Beautiful Inside-out so you can finally attract an Emotionally Healthy Partner and enjoy a long-lasting love life.  

Have you ever noticed a recurring pattern in the individuals you've dated in the past? Maybe they seem to be the same “type” of men and personality, but just different faces and different names. It's crucial to recognize that these patterns could be the very thing that's holding you captive, as your "type" may be founded on familiarity rather than what is best for you and your future.

There’s a big difference between the kind of men that you’re attracted to (distractions) versus the kind of men that are best for you. It’s time to break free from this pattern and create a breakthrough in your love life. Trauma often wields influence over our attraction to toxic love we’re used to.Trauma creates blocks within you that disrupt not only your love life but also your income.

These blocks show up as self-abandonment, controlling behaviors, relationship anxiety, jealousy, clingy behaviors, fear of rejection, people pleasing, insecurity, and more. When you finally break free from your past trauma, you step into a new level of being attracted to emotionally healthy individuals while consciously creating a healthy relationship.

Your healing opens up new ways and your desires will manifest in your life.

You will Discover:

How to reconnect to your feminine energy rather than reject it in order to discover strength and power!

How to effortlessly pull in healthy masculine men who will consistently pursue you, request to take you on dates, protect you, and provide for you in a romantic relationship, or inspire your man to Shower you with love and affection.

Simple daily exercises to help you strengthen your feminine energy.

My secret CAPTIVATE-HIM METHOD works in helping you Reconnect to your feminine energy, attract a high-quality man and create deeper intimacy with him


An Intensive Program to help High-Achieving women become more feminine in the shortest time possible so they can attract Emotionally Healthy Partners and thrive in both love & money

Enroll TODAY And Exclusive Bonuses:

Total Value: $22,807

Normal Price: 497


Here’s a Breakdown of the Modules:


Understanding the Highest Type of Love

  • Understanding the Highest Type of Love and its impact on Relationships

  • How to understand the kind of woman that captures a man's heart

  • Understanding the Man's & Woman's Roles in the Relationship

  • How to accept a man at face value for genuine connection


The Power of Admiration

  • How to build admiration, worship and love the right way in your relationship

  • Understanding the appearance and manner that fascinates a man

  • Understanding and nurturing a man's sensitive pride and reserve

  • The role of sympathetic understanding in a thriving relationship

  • Understanding the mistakes that drive men away 

  • How to arouse a man's interest to nurture a deeper emotional connection and enjoy companionship in a fulfilling relationship.


Revealing Femininity

  • Embracing femininity for relationship success

  • Understanding the qualities of a woman that men desire

  • Understanding what truly makes a woman beautiful.

  • How to develop Girly Dependency on your man even if you're a High Achieving Woman

  • How to develop a Magnetic personality


Inner Happiness and Worthy Character

  • Analyzing the qualities of a lovable woman 

  • Cultivating inner happiness for personal and relational fulfillment

  • Developing a worthy character that attracts and sustains love

  • Understanding the role of a domestic goddess in a relationship

  • How to become the mystery to keep your relationship intriguing and maintain a man's interest over time.


Radiant Health and Childlike Joy

  • How to attain fresh radiant health for a vibrant love life

  • How to embrace childlike joy in relationships

  • How to build confidence and social ease around men

  • How to use Childlikeness during relationship conflicts

  • How to acquire physical perfection 

  • The secret Law to building a winning mental attitude so you can easily achieve your desires


Guidance Through Relationship Stages

  • The Six stages of winning a man's heart and building a lasting connection

  • How to easily build confidence and social ease around men

  • Where and how to meet Emotionally Healthy & even Wealthy Men

  • How to attract a man's attention and make yourself noticed

  • How to make it easy for the right man to find you

  • Effective strategies for choosing the right mate

  • How to avoid marrying under pressure.

  • How to remove all obstacles and make it hard for him not to propose.

We will cover how to heal your toxic love patterns and how to create a healthy, long-lasting love life.

 One Module Dropped A Week:

These are your weekly stepping stones to help you heal toxic love patterns, reconnect with your feminine energy and attract an emotionally healthy partner. Plus, you'll have access to watch them at your own pace and any future updates.

 Walkthrough Homework:

Between our sessions, this homework will empower you to take your progress to the next level.

 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with Sarah:

Every week, you'll tap into the dynamic energy of our LIVE group coaching sessions led by Sarah. This is your prime opportunity to have your pressing questions answered and receive personalized guidance to propel your journey.

Emotional Healing:

We'll guide you on how to heal past wounds and walk into your new transformation.

 Access to Our Exclusive Private Community:

Connect with others, share your story, and get unwavering support of like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey.

1:1 Session as an Add-on:

For those who require extra guidance, a one-on-one session is available at a fee on request. It's a personalized touch to ensure you receive the support you need.


These will help you get rid of love baggage and rebuild your trust in love and men. If your heart has been broken by men, these affirmations will help you feel worthy of love and open up to finally receiving love from men. These affiramtions will also help you create deeper intimacy in your love life


That will help you build your self-confidence so you can step into your power as a queen and also attract a king. These affirmations will help you Know your worth and avoid moving too fast and being over-giving in your romantic relationships


  • DATING Do’s and Don’ts so you can become irresistible in the dating world

  •  Differences between emotionally mature and immature men 

  • 8 kinds of men that are not ideal life Partner

  • 20 places to meet Emotionally Healthy Men

  • 10 signs you’re with the right man


  • How to Easily Handle and Heal Emotional Triggers 

In the dating process, a triggered reaction can cause you to unintentionally push a good man away. If you want a thriving relationship, this is one thing you want to AVOID!

You'll discover our SECRET method for recognizing, resolving, and controlling your emotional triggers so you never have to feel bad about passing up a high-quality man because you had the wrong reaction.

Gaining this invaluable ability will enable you to handle any relationship with calmness and  confidence.


  • How to Identify and detox from wrong behaviours holding You Back in Love

  • How to detox from toxic love beliefs you may have pick up from childhood or past toxic relationships


  • “Feeling Messages” you can use to Create Deeper Intimacy and make him open up more when Communicating with your man. 

  • Flirtatious and entertaining scripts that will help you slide directly into his heart.

  • 50 Intimacy Bonding Questions to help you build attraction and know your man better.

  • How to capture a busy man's interest from the first conversation on chat.DATING Do’s and Don’ts so you can become irresistible in the dating world


  • How to Master the Art of Joyfully Receiving from Your Man, Even as a High-Achieving Woman.

  • How to ask for your desires in a feminine way that he will be glad to fulfill them


Looking to Marry the Rich? Then this is for you. In this bonus, you will learn how to attract and date a wealthy man of noble character.

  • How to easily spot wealthy men

  • 10 places to meet Emotionally Healthy & Wealthy Men


This will help you identify and heal wrong patterns showing up in your finances and love life.

It's Time to Step into your Queen Era!

Enroll TODAY And Exclusive Bonuses:

Total Value: $22,807

Normally: $497


By finally breaking free from past Love patterns, you finally open a chapter to attracting

a high-quality partner

Dating right now in our modern world feels tough, especially when you have to deal with hot-cold men, ghosting, non-committed men, a paralyzing abundance of choices, and more.

In this new generation, where men are now struggling to step up into their masculine roles and women are too anxious and controlling in relationships,

It’s best to gain and apply the right knowledge on how to cultivate healthy relationships so we can pass this knowledge down to the next generation. Over the past years, I’ve been able to gather valuable resources through extensive research and past experiences.

We will be working together to help you break old love patterns and elevate yourself to your highest self so you can thrive in both love and even in business.

This Program is not for you if

You want to be someone who uses strategy and manipulation to win a man over.

You don't feel particularly motivated to find your Soulmate anytime soon.

You don't prioritize your personal happiness or your romantic life at this time (we totally understand that everyone is at various stages of life).

You're unwilling to try new techniques and resources that help you achieve your goals and step outside of your comfort zone.

You lead a chaotic life. Every day there is some "big" issue or drama occurring, and you have no idea why or what you're doing. Before joining the program, it is best to resolve those issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the coaching program begin?

This is an entirely self-paced program. As soon as you buy it, you can begin using it. Every week, fresh modules will arrive in your inbox to help you on your journey to thriving in love.

Can I buy the program now and start it later if I'm busy right now?

It makes sense to get it now, regardless of whether you intend to start the program now or later.Send us an email at sarah@sarahsugar.com if you would prefer to begin the program at a later time, and we will make provision for the training materials and email alerts to be sent to you on the date you choose.

What Amount Of Personal Assistance Do I Get?

You won't be doing this program alone, even though it is self-study and doesn't include private coaching.

Every one of our participants has access to our private Facebook group, where you can freely ask questions and seek support from other women who are just like you as you progress through the program.

Will I Get The Results?

YES, you will- if you’re ready to put in the work for it.

Are Refunds Available?


Only you can make as much of an effort to grow in your love life as you will.

We need you to put your all into it when you jump in. YOU must give it your all.

What happens if you don't act on it?

Maybe not. In a private group, though, you might find it more difficult to resist seeking the assistance you require than to accept it.

What if you miss out on an amazing man because you're taking this personal time out?

While the program takes 3 months to complete, which isn't long, Conversely, how many years have you squandered in dating disasters?

You've missed out on many great men because you've wasted time obsessing over the wrong men and toxic relationships. Making the change now might be the right move, keeping watch open for the next opportunity when it presents itself.

Here's What You Get When You Enroll in the 'Cherished & Committed Program' Today:

Enroll TODAY And Exclusive Bonuses:

Total Value: $22,807

Normally: $497


About Sarah Ize-Iyamu

Sarah Ize-Iyamu is a dating and relationship coach who helps high-achieving women become successful in their love lives.

Sarah currently serves a network of over 11K followers across different countries as the Founder of a successful women's lifestyle and empowerment company. 

A few years ago, outwardly, I was doing really well. However, when it came to relationships, I had struggles.

I made the decision to dive straight into studying romantic relationships, men, attraction, and self-image.

The lessons I acquired altered my life for the better. At last, I realized the mistakes many ladies are guilty of in their romantic relationships.

I discovered that high-quality men were searching for HIGH-VALUE FEMININE women rather than "good girls".

From being the girl who was an exhausted, overgiving good girl in love to having high-value men pursue me and pleading for my precious time, I experienced an amazing transformation.

Men who treated me well no longer made me pull away. In fact, they arouse my interest. In an amazing way, I was the girl that guys were saying good things about and taking notice of. I also now know how to spot emotionally unavailable men who can't commit to romantic relationships.

Today, I teach women how to be able to attract and sustain this love in their lives without sabotaging it.

My subscribers' lives started to transform for the better when I started sharing how to attract high-quality men who treated me like a precious diamond. 

My main focus is on helping ambitious, high-achieving women attract their true love. So I share knowledge on feminine energy, magnetic dating behaviors, dating with boundaries, and dating with a Captivating Queen mindset.

Online courses, luxury retreats, personal coaching programs, and group coaching programs are among the services provided.

As a Dating and Relationship Coach, Sarah's expertise is enriched by a deep reservoir of knowledge honed through study of emotional healing, human transformation, masculine and feminine energetics. 

Her personal journey, etched with survival in the face of overcoming childhood trauma and enduring complex relationships, ignited a relentless quest to unlock the secrets of successful relationships.

Sarah's transformative influence has touched the lives of countless high-achieving women, reshaping their relationships with themselves and with others.


You want a soft life with love that is sweet like sugar 

It’s time to say goodbye to struggle love.

I invite you on this incredible journey if you'd like to become a captivating woman and feel cherished in your romantic relationship.

Copyright 2024 | SarahSugar.com | All rights reserved.

No Refund Policy: As course developers, we made the decision to go digital and green to lessen our carbon footprint. As this course is entirely digital, refunds are not available. This is what we do for several reasons. (1) We think that tenacity and persistence generate progress. It has been observed that individuals who are unable to step back from their commitments achieve greater outcomes. You get it!  (2) We can assist you in moving forward and starting on your goals quickly—like right away!—without having to wait on  mail thanks to our digital delivery system. Thus, if you're serious, sign up. You can still enroll if you're not committed to making a change in your life but there are still no refunds! :)